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Empowering graduates to learn while conquering the professional world

Tue, 12/09/2017 - 12:26

Empowering graduates to learn while conquering the professional world. Shy, inquisitive, and eager – those three words describe who I am. 


After a short period, and unbeknownst to me, I realised that the PPS Graduate Internship Programme would be a snug fit. I took the plunge and gratefully accepted a place as one of the selected graduates, to which I soon learned that this was exactly what I needed to get my career started. 


The graduate programme allowed me to integrate within the workplace as an employee first, but still brought me back to being a graduate every month for three days where the PPS Academy training consultants taught me vital business skills. The lessons I received varied from understanding the importance of dress code and how to conduct myself in the workplace. My takings as a candidate on the programme, is that the skills I have acquired can be extended and utilized as my professional career grows. One of the things I pride myself in is that I have been moulded into a young professional who has developed a skillset that I did not know I needed until I started working. 


Apart from the technical teachings, working at PPS and being part of the graduate programme has helped me come out of my shell. As a result, I can confidently express myself and take up public speaking opportunities because we are encouraged to participate in group discussions, debates, and presentations. Although I do have a secret to share with you, I initially participated in the exercises for the prizes, however, in the process I managed to refine my oratory skills.


Although the programme is structured, I have enjoyed its flexibility to cater to my individual and the greater group’s needs. If I felt there was training I absolutely needed, it would be discussed with the rest of my peers and would then be facilitated to us all, otherwise I would receive individual training to help me gain the necessary insight. 


During the training sessions, the learning takes place through constant interaction with other graduates, where we got to know one other and the complexity of the work we do in our respective divisions. 


Looking back at the year that was and as the journey continues, I’m glad that I made the decision to be part of this programme because it is through it that I have grown and aspire to keep going!


Nerisha Rama


To apply for the 2018 Graduate Internship Development Programme, visit Professionals Connect. Applications are open until 30 September 2017. 

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