PPS For Professionals
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A great foundation for my career to lift off on

Tue, 04/09/2018 - 12:09

Being chosen to be a part of the Graduate Internship Development Programme for me could be likened to the moments when a rocket is being prepared for take-off. Where several months prior, an assembly test process occurs, testing various new parts to ensure a successful take-off. Therefore, I can say the same about my foundation and career launch that is currently being established at PPS. I am learning invaluable skills and lessons which I believe that once the 12 months are over, I will be a better person professionally as well as on a personal level.

One of the major highlights of my experience here is the importance of knowing who you are, so you can figure out what you want to progress to in your career, as well as identifying the ways you can contribute to taking the business forward. This aspect is very important to me because I believe that once you have the personal development factor figured out, you can do anything and be the best at whatever task or project you're given. My personal view is that skills can always be taught but what you should master is your attitude, and the continuous support that I have been receiving within PPS to strengthen this muscle has been remarkable.

This sustenance has given me the opportunity to develop my professionalism, to be as agile as possible. I have been placed in a space where I am able to express my creativity, which I have learnt will be the golden coins of the future professional world. Coming into an organisation that is going through a transition has been beneficial in that I have been granted the wonderful opportunity of being a trailblazer and creating something new within the organisation. I believe my professional growth is fully being invested in, and that it is up to me to take what I am being taught, become a critical thinker and immerse myself in developing and setting the standard for the future PPS, which is a market leader in our space.


Lethukuthula Ndlovu

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