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I’ve had to stretch myself and move out of my comfort zone

Tue, 11/09/2018 - 12:03

From the anxious feeling of the very day induction started to now …  all I can say is I am grateful to be part of such an amazing programme that is fulfilling in more ways than one. The first day when I got to PPS, like every other new individual I was nervous and had several uncertainties. I asked myself if I was ready for the workplace. Will I fit in? How do I even make friends? Will I be good enough and not disappoint the manager I report to, and myself? So how do I even make this work?


But I was blessed to be part of a group of young individuals who shared the same sentiments as me, and were brave enough to face the corporate world. This came with knowing that a tree does not grow in a day, and that there are so many factors that lead to its growth. The millennials that have been chosen for this programme have become more than colleagues, we are aa unit that’s there for one another, taking steps together and making sure that we support one another in all our challenges.


This is the prime aspect I experienced about the culture at PPS. Employees value supporting each other and sharing knowledge, because “no man is an island”.  


So far on this journey I have learned to be patient with myself. The graduate programme has offered so many effective training sessions with subjects mostly on self-development. As an individual who knows who they are, what they want, has the confidence to conquer, surely one can align oneself perfectly with the goals of the company and team they’re in and grow in that area, knowing that they are valuable and are making a difference.


Where there is potential there’s always room for growth and development - if one is willing to learn and go through what every season offers. Surely, they’ll be of better character, as character isn’t something that is built in the classroom, but in the circumstances where we find ourselves. My work challenges me in so many ways, but every day is a new day to try again, give it my all, and go home knowing that surely, I did my best. Where growth is, there is no comfort. I am proud to say that to this day, since I have been part of the business I have not been in a comfortable space. This enables me to push myself further. I am a work in progress and in the time spent here, I am surely growing towards being the young professional lady that I aspire to be in the future.


Mathapelo Chaba

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