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Article Name
Leave a Lasting Legacy

Published: March 29, 2019


By Roy McMurchie, Head of Fiduciary Services

A critical component of financial planning is tapping into fiduciary services that offer a customised solution that allows a person to leave a lasting legacy. It is key that every individual goes through a comprehensive estate planning exercise and that they have an updated Will in place. While it is widely known that having a Will in place is important, many people simply do not know where or when to start. However, it is actually easier and more accessible than you think.


At PPS, our guiding mission is to offer the most relevant financial planning services to professionals. This is why we have recently added fiduciary services to our product toolkit. PPS Financial Planning now offers trust and estate planning, the drafting of wills and the safe custody thereof, estate administration, trust deed drafting and administration and trust beneficiary care services for minor beneficiaries.


As a valued member of the PPS Group, you will have access to qualified fiduciary specialists who understand the unique needs of the professional market. These highly skilled fiduciary specialists can be accessed through your financial planner. 





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