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Lachmann Symposium

Published: April 13, 2017

The prestigious Lachmann Symposium has come to an end at PPS. Economists from around the world have come to pay tribute to this great economist giant as well as the role he played in the economic field.


Over the past three days, economists that studied his theories as well as studied under him got a chance to come together and share fond memories of his work as well as discuss and debate theories, old and new.


If you were not able to attend this prestigious event, you can watch the presentations of our three main speakers, Virgil Storr, Richard Langlois and Dierdre McClosky.




Virgil Storr




Richard Langlois




Deirdre McCloskey


PPS is also proud to showcase The reminiscences of Ludwig Lachmann. This special video is by former students MartinFransmann, Peter Lewin, Jochen Runde and Christopher Torr as they share their most valued memories of their time with Ludwig Lachmann.


If you were not able to attend this prestigious event, you can watch the presentations of our three main speakers, Virgil Storr, Richard Langlois and Dierdre McClosky.

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