PPS For Professionals
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Understanding the unique value proposition of PPS - #RareIsRewarding

Published: September 8, 2016




If one spots a Narina Trogon they should consider themselves fortunate as it is one of Africa’s most elusive birds - a rare breed indeed. It is upon this premise that PPS, one of the few financial service providers in South Africa that operates under the ethos of mutuality, based its new advertising campaign aimed at the graduate professional market, who are a rare breed in their own right.  


According to Gerhard Joubert, Executive: Group Marketing at PPS, the company has embarked on a journey of encouraging graduate professionals to embrace their uniqueness through this campaign. “At PPS, we provide financial services exclusively to graduate professionals, while at the same time they are rewarded by way of annual allocations to their PPS Profit-Share Accounts*. Graduate professionals are distinctive with their unique skillset and therefore they need a first-class financial partner. At PPS, we realise that rare is very rewarding because rare achievements deserve reward.”


The new advertising campaign is a collaboration between PPS and its advertising agency, Havas Worldwide. Eoin Welsh, Chief Creative Officer of Havas Worldwide, said that the print, radio and online adverts will depict a rare event or item stating why it is regarded as incomparable, one-of-a-kind or rare. “This includes images of a Jimi Hendrix guitar, a valuable comic book or the Narina Trogon – all with the tagline rare is rewarding.”


Welsh explains that the team created a 30 second video which will be shared and promoted on social media and will air on television from the 5th of September. “The video portrays a couple driving in the Waterberg who come to a halt when they see the Narina Trogon, one of Africa’s most elusive birds, working on a nest. The couple knows how lucky they are to witness this rare breed of bird - and that rare is rewarding.”


“Our aim with the new advertising campaign is to attract and appeal to graduates who are a rare breed and to make them realise that they deserve to be rewarded because of the value they bring to the country, economy and society as a whole,” concludes Joubert.

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