CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT this regard to the PPS Holdings Trust Board. The current professional associations who have representation on the PPS Holdings Trust Board are: • The South African Medical Association • The South African Dental Association • The Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa • The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants • The Professional Engineers’ Societies. The PPS Holdings Trust Board has considered and is of the view that the PPS Group Boards and committees are appropriately constituted to meet statutory requirements and the PPS Group’s needs. Candidates who have been nominated for service on PPS Group Boards are required to clearly identify any conflict, or potential conflict, of interest with the activities of PPS Holdings Trust, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Candidates who are financial advisors or intermediaries, or hold any office or interest, directly or indirectly, in any entity which competes in the same sphere of business as the PPS Group, do not qualify for appointment to any of the PPS Group Boards. Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the PPS Holdings Trust Board of Trustees The PPS Holdings Trust Board elected Dr S N E Seoka, who had held the position of Deputy Chairman of the PPS Holdings Trust Board since 2012, as its Chairman on 13 June 2018. Dr C M Krüger, who has served on the PPS Holdings Trust Board since 2004, was elected as Deputy Chairman of the PPS Holdings Trust Board on 13 June 2018. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman were re-elected to their respective positions at the 8 June 2023 PPS Holdings Trust Board meeting. In terms of PPS Insurance’s Memorandum of Incorporation, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the PPS Holdings Trust Board are appointed ex officio to the PPS Insurance Board and form part of the eight trustees of PPS Holdings Trust who are nominated annually by the PPS Holdings Trust Board to serve on the PPS Insurance Board. Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the PPS Insurance Board of Directors Mr C Erasmus has held the position of Chairman of the PPS Insurance Board since 2014. Prof H E Wainer has held the position of Deputy Chairman of the PPS Insurance Board since 2015. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman were reelected to their respective positions at the 19 June 2023 PPS Insurance Board meeting. In terms of the Trust Deed of PPS Holdings Trust, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of PPS Insurance are appointed ex officio to the PPS Holdings Trust Board. Group Chief Executive Officer of the PPS Group Mr I J Smit has held the position of Group CEO of the PPS Group since 25 July 2016. Board charters and trust deed In accordance with the principles of sound corporate governance, the Board Charters for the PPS Holdings Trust, the PPS Insurance and the subsidiary boards, modelled on the charter principles recommended by King IVTM and adapted to the requirements of the PPS Group, incorporate the powers of the boards, providing a clear and concise overview of the division of responsibilities and accountability of PPS Group Board members, collectively and individually, to ensure a balance of power and authority. The Board Charters are reviewed regularly to ensure continued compliance with regulation and best practice. The Trust Deed of PPS Holdings Trust incorporates key elements of the Companies Act, 2008, and its trustees have similar responsibilities and duties to those of company directors, including the statutory responsibilities imposed on directors by the Companies Act, in addition to their responsibilities and duties as trustees. Committees of the PPS Group Boards act in accordance with board approved Terms of Reference and the Chairman of each committee reports, as appropriate, to the board which constituted such committee at the scheduled meetings of that board. These Terms of Reference are reviewed annually to ensure continued compliance with regulation and best practice. Where appropriate, the minutes of the committee meetings are tabled at subsequent board meetings. The chairmen of the PPS Holdings Trust and PPS Insurance Boards are independent 66 Corporate governance report